Take the Biblical Worker Self-Assessment
Welcome to the Are You a Biblical Worker Self Assessment!
This is a simple tool that can help you discover where you are in your Biblical knowledge of applying faith in your worklife. You will be challenged to think through workplace situations that most of us face every day. The assessment will help you determine if you are a survivor, a workplace transformer, or somewhere in between.
You’ll get your score right away and a FREE download of the scripture references and case studies to support the answers. You’ll also get a FREE download of Os Hillman’s audio message entitled 4 Types of Workplace Christians!
As a bonus for taking the assessment and to help you grow as a Biblical Worker, you’ll receive:
- A FREE email subscription to TGIF – Today God Is First Daily Devotional by Os Hillman – the author of the assessment you are about to take. TGIF provides a scripture and a brief teaching that will inspire and guide you each day.
- The TGIF Bookstore Insider – Your inside look at new products, exclusive offers and free resources.
You may unsubscribe at any time from these resources.
Questions? You may reach us at 1-888-244-8810 or info@marketplaceleaders.org.
And just so you know, we will never sell your contact information to anyone.
To begin your assessment, click the button below: