Workplace Evangelism

Witnessing @ Work

Everyone who has tried to witness at work knows how difficult it is to randomly “strike-up” a conversation about God or being a Christian without being asked off-hand. Increasingly we work in an environment that may even be hostile to the concept of Christianity. Some view it as anywhere from prothetilizing to just plain annoying. Fortunately there are some great resources out there to help you, and we’ve included the best ones we’ve found here!

What are the legal consequences?

Every company is different, so you need to know your company’s rules for discussing spirituality at work. We’ve received many emails from people saying they began a work-related Bible study before hours, or during lunch time. We’ve found these are the best times for fellowship and the building of Christ-centered relationship, without taking time away from the job for which you were hired.

Tips & Pointers…

Keep in mind that people may have had a religious experience at some point in their lives, and it very well could have been negative. The best way to respond to these type of people is not to try to persuade them of anything first, but simple to love them, as Christ would have us do. This could be as simple as being available, sharing life experiences (from your point of view, without immediately sharing Jesus), giving of your time, simply being friendly, or giving a smile.

Keep in mind too, that people respond best through relationship, when the credibility of the relationship grows to more than mere acquaintance, through mutual trust.

Even from a marketing perspective you know that people will not immediately buy an item, especially a particularly highly priced item, just because. A relationship with the potential client must be established. Then, the product is shown and experienced. (Our lives viewed by the world.) Then, and only after these two things have been accomplished with credibility can we reveal the true source of our hope and peace.

Check out this article on evangelism at work.

Check out this audio message with Brad Ducas on your legal rights in the workplace.

Below is one of our best offers on a resource that many have found helpful for sharing their faith. It is called Show and Then Tell.

Is the idea of sharing your faith with friends, family, and colleagues a nail-biting experience?

Well, now it doesn’t have to be!

Sharing the gift of eternal life with others is considered by most to be one of the most difficult tasks in Christianity. But it is arguably the most important.

One of the main reasons why we don’t share Christ is because we haven’t fully developed our relationship with Him. Did you know that evangelism is a natural byproduct of our relationship with Jesus? It’s true!

Kent and Davidene Humphreys offer Show and Then Tell, a book not simply about evangelism, but about allowing Christ to work through us, as a subsequent result of our own faith. Through stories and detailed illustrations, they show you how to share your faith, without being “cheesy” or “overly religous”.

“God never intended for us to sit in pews and pay our church staff to do the ministry. God intended them to equip us to go out and do the ministry…. to be the salt and light where God placed us, where we live.”Kent Humphreys, Show and Then Tell

Learn how to do what Jesus commanded. Learn how to share your faith – easily, authentically, and effectively!

Order Show and Then Tell.

Check out our Bible Study Resources.